SEO – Search Engine Optimization – Basics #1

Today I will start with a new series – the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This is the first post of this series and I will add step by step additional tips and tricks.

At first – if you ask everyone for SEO they will tell you you that this topic is very complex. The answer is not 100% correct. You will get first results in the appearance of your website in search engines (especially google) if you do a few simple things.

Step #1

The first step is – for sure to announce to google that your site is existing. 😉


  • For this step it is necessary to have google account.
  • The site you want to announce should have a xml sitemap – Content Management Systems or Blog Systems normally have a function to create the file automatically – for a static html page you can use a free generator on the web
  • To confirm that the domain is yours you need to have access to the file system, for example via ftp

Process the registration

  1. Go to the google Webmaster tools page and login with your google account. –
  2. Select “add a property” and follow the instructions to confirm the ownership of the domain

    Add property to google Webmaster Tools
    Add property to google Webmaster Tools
  3. Go to Crawl – Sitemaps on the left of the page for the new property and select “Add/Test Sitemap”

    Add sitemap to Property
    Add sitemap to Property
  4. Add the URL of you sitemap and Select “Submit”

This is the easiest way to announce the site to google – the alternative is to wait until the google crawler finds the page and indexes the contents.

Furthermore google offers many other helpful tools – additional infromations will follow.


Have fun 🙂


Using SSL Certificates for your websites

Hi together,

todays post is regarding SSL certificates for your websites. I think many of you have the question if it is necessary to use SSL cerficates for websites, which advantages or disadvantages does the usage of SSL certificats have.

This post gives you a short overview and a short introduction how to use free SSL certificates for your websites.

Pro and Contra for SSL on Websites



For every site processing data which is entered by the visitors SSL ist a must-have. If you enter data on a website please check if is is using SSL, if the issuer is trustable and guarantees the reliability of the operator.


SSL encrypted connections prohibit that the data which is exchanged can be read along. This means better privacy for the users of your website.

This is very important when login data or payment details are exchanged.

SEO Advantages

For your Search Engine Optimization activities it is better to offer SSL to your website visitors – google is ranking pages which are using SSL higher.

More informations can be found at google:


In my opinion there are not really any issues against using SSL for websites. The complexity of the networks which are supporting SSL was an issue in the past and modern networks are supporting SSL in standard.

Page Speed

There is a myth, that SSL is slowing down websites, this is not correct. If you have many visitors, the utilization of your CPU can be higher handling SSL connections – but I think for most of the websites this is not a problem. If you have so many visitors then it would be helpful to increase the CPU Power of your webserver.

Price of Certificates

In the past the price for the certificates was quite high. But today you have organizations like “let’s encrypt” which offer free certificates. The following guide shows you how to use a free certificate from let’s encrypt.

Howto SSL with Apache and Ubuntu

The following example shows how to add SSL to a webserver based on Ubuntu and Apache. It is very easy to add a SSL certificate which is trusted by the current browsers using the certbot.

Prerequisite for the usage is a correctly configured Apache webserver with enabled SSL module.

Step 1 – install certbot

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache

Step 2 – create certificate

The following command guids you to create the certificates and add it automatically to your apache configuration.

$ sudo certbot --apache

Alternative way to create certificate

$ sudo certbot certonly --cert-name <cert_name> -d <web_url> --webroot -w /var/www/html/ --force-renewal

When using the alternative way you have to configure the vhost and assign the certificate files in Apache manually

Step 3 – Check Result

Result - SSL in Browser
Result – SSL in Browser






Step 5 – Renew Certificate

The “let’s encrypt” certificate is only valid for 3 months, so you have to renew the certificate every 3 months manually by using the following command.

$ sudo certbot certonly --cert-name <cert_name> -d <web_url> --webroot -w /var/www/html/ --force-renewal

Step 6 – Renew Certificate automatically in background

Step 6 is optional to renew the certificate automatically in background.

The easiest way to do this is to start the command via cron:

$ crontab -e

Add the command and execute it every month at the first day:

# m h dom mon dow command
01 00 01 * * certbot certonly --cert-name <cert_name> -d <web_url> --webroot -w /var/www/html/  --force-renewal

The command will be executed every first day of a month on 00:01 a.m. – so all certificates which are relevant for renewing are renewed.

Dont’t forget to reload your apache webserver afterwards… 🙂



Welcome to my Blog!

I hope this blog can help you to get some tips and tricks regarding, development and many other technical issues….

Have fun 🙂